
Graduate Law Clerk

Jessica is a Graduate Law Clerk in the Enterprise Legal Business Law section and is aiming to be admitted as a lawyer later in the year, once she has completed her Practical Legal Training. While a relative newcomer to the legal fraternity, Jess has extensive experience in contract management and project coordination, having worked for companies both locally and internationally prior to commencing study. 

Jessica assists Senior Associate, Johnathon Althaus, across the full range of Business Law matters at Enterprise Legal, with a specific focus on:

  1. preparing and advising upon business documentation such as Terms and Conditions or Services Agreements;
  2. assisting with business sales and purchases;
  3. providing advice to prospective franchisees; 
  4. acting for both landlords and tenants in leasing transactions; and
  5. preparing employment and subcontractor agreements for clients. 

In addition to the above, Jessica has a natural interest for agribusiness and the associated legal work. Having grown up in South West Queensland and worked in various industries impacting our primary producers and small communities, Jessica looks for small business solutions that are relevant and understanding of our clients individual requirements. 

Jessica’s level-headed and pragmatic approach, combined with her impeccable attention to detail, mean that she is already a highly-valued member of the Business Law section and wider Enterprise Legal team.  


Qualifications and Awards

Jessica has a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Southern Queensland and is currently completing a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Queensland College of Law. Jessica was awarded the Faculty Medal from University of Southern Queensland and the prestigious Una Prentice Award 2024 as the University of Southern Queensland’s top performing female law graduate. 



Jessica is a current member of the Queensland Law Society (QLS), the Womens Lawyers Association of Queensland (WLAQ) and the Downs and South-West Queensland Law Association (DSWQLA).

Contact Jessica on  or (07) 4646 2624  

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